Trauma Is Like a Deep Cut
It’s throbbing, oozing, and pulsating.
You have a choice:
You can ignore it until it abscesses and infects all areas of your life…
Or you can get rid of the pain, clean the wound, stitch it up neatly, and let it heal.
But how?
You Tried Therapy Before. It Helped… A Bit.
You talked it out with friends and family. Made things worse.
Podcasts. Self-help books. Retreats. Just a bunch of ideas that go nowhere.
You’re starting to feel like a lost cause. Because you’ve tried everything.
Or have you??
Finally, Something That Really WORKS
It’s called “Brainspotting.”
If you’ve never heard of it, that’s okay… let me explain why it’s different and why it works.
The reason that “talking it out” hasn’t helped is because the trauma you’ve been through is held in a deep part of your brain that’s NOT verbal.
So, talking about it might offer some fleeting relief…
But it doesn’t hit the target, so the change doesn’t last.
The Answer Is Through Your Eyes
According to neuroscience, they’re the only point of access to the part of your brain where trauma is stored.
I’ve been trained to guide your eyes to find the spot that will allow the non-verbal part of your brain to access and heal the traumatic experience.
Directly addressing the trauma in your brain is the key to unlocking the pain in your mind, body, and emotions.
This Will Free You
Reach out for help.
Reclaim the love, laughter, work, and fun you’ve lost.
Start breathing again!
When you start living in the present and looking forward to the future, you’ll feel the meaning of life again.
Make the right choice and END the pain. Let’s break the ice during your free 15-minute consultation: (615) 285-9434