

Mental Health Therapy for Frontline Workers

None of us were prepared for the global pandemic we find ourselves in. Not parents, teachers, and certainly not the healthcare workers around the country. Doctors and nurses suddenly found themselves working double shifts to care for sick people. As the rest of the world went into lockdown and people stayed home, safe and sound, these frontline workers showed up...[ read more ]

Compartmentalization: How it Hurts Men’s Relationship with Women

You’ve no doubt heard the expression “men are from Mars, women from Venus.” And while we can all point out some major differences between the sexes, typically those differences all start in one major organ – the brain!One of the biggest complaints women tend to have about men is that they sometimes seem emotionally unavailable or distant. This distance stems...[ read more ]

How to Recover from Infidelity

In my time as a marriage counselor, there is probably one statement I have heard more than any other, and that is, “I just don’t think I will ever get over this.” This statement is often said by my clients who have recently learned their spouse has had an affair. The second most common phrase I hear is, “I just...[ read more ]

How Counseling Can Help You Reach Your Goals in the New Year

If you struggle to set goals, let alone reach them, you are definitely not alone. In fact, it is thought that roughly 92% of the population has found it hard to stick to goals. This constant cycle of trying to set beneficial life or health goals, but never quite reaching them, can ultimately lead to depression.That’s because reaching goals is...[ read more ]

Understanding Mental Health in the LatinX Community

Living your best life means not only being healthy physically but also emotionally and mentally as well. For many, seeking the guidance of a mental health professional is a way of ensuring their overall well-being.But for some communities, there is a stigma associated with getting help for depression and other mental health issues. One such community that holds conflicting beliefs...[ read more ]

The 5 Best Therapies for Those on the Autism Spectrum

Autism is a mental health disorder that affects both children and adults. It causes people to behave in certain ways that are considered “abnormal” and make interaction with others very difficult.While there is no cure for autism, there are treatments that have been shown to help people, including children, improve their social interactions.The following are five of the best-known therapies...[ read more ]

The Effects of Alcohol on Your Body

We’ve all read the studies that tell us having a glass or two of wine a day is actually beneficial to our health. But what happens when that glass or two turns into three, four or more?Drinking too much alcohol can have serious ramifications on our health. Here are just some of the ways alcohol negatively affects your body and...[ read more ]

How to Kick the Cravings and Retrain Your Tastebuds for a Healthier Diet

Do you tend to opt for a donut and vanilla latte in the morning? Does your lunch typically include a soda? Do you always have dessert with dinner and maybe even a sweet treat before bed?Do you also find that the more sugary foods you eat, the more you crave them and the hungrier you feel?  It is indeed a...[ read more ]

What is Trauma Therapy?

Not many of us will get through life without facing our own share of challenges. But some people experience not just stress and strife, but actual trauma. Trauma may come in the form of a physically or emotionally abusive relationship, a physical accident such as a car accident, rape, the sudden loss of a loved one, or war.When a person...[ read more ]

Communication Tips for Couples in Recovery

If you have found yourself in a troubled relationship, there is a very good chance you grew up with parents who argued and fought often. Your household was most likely filled with the sounds of angry voices, raised in an attempt to be heard or to simply drown out the other person.This means you had no role models for how...[ read more ]

103 Continental Place, Ste. 102,
Brentwood, TN 37027
(559) 901-4732

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