Life is crumbling around you.
Life was good. Or was it? It’s hard to remember the good days.
Your world crumbled around you like a sandcastle hit by the waves.
You’re devastated.
Your memories are just a bunch of jumbled scenes. What happened? All you know is that, gradually, everything changed.
“Bait and Switch”
Joy and fulfillment dissolved into numbness, hopelessness, and an inability to function.
Self-confidence became fear, anxiety, and dark thoughts.
A love for people and fun changed to isolation and avoidance.
The enjoyment of work was replaced by a longing to stay home and stare.
Trauma turned your life upside down, but
Welcome to the world of therapy, self-discovery, self-forgiveness, and healing. It’s a safe place to download your past, present, and future hurts.
I’ll be with you each moment. There’s no judgment. My nervous system will support yours. Best of all, I know some scientifically proven and evidence-based interventions that heal.
You will talk (or not talk) and befriend your brain and your nervous system. Don’t let that scare you. I’m a good teacher! You’ll go deeper than ever through Brainspotting, where your eyes access your trauma. You’re not alone. It’s called “relational attunement.”
Therapy won’t erase your trauma – I’m not God, and neither are you. But you will live a full life despite your trauma.
The shadow proves the sunshine.
– Switchfoot
When you feel spent and at your worst, there’s only one way to go – UP! Light is so much brighter following the darkness.
Imagine seeing only one black pixel in the portrait of your life. Now take a step back. All the pixels join, forming a beautiful scene.
You see a masterpiece consisting of both dark and light. That masterpiece is YOU.
Individual therapy can help bring in the sunshine. Contact me today. Find out how together we can shine light in your darkness and bring you hope.