The 5 Best Therapies for Those on the Autism Spectrum


The 5 Best Therapies for Those on the Autism Spectrum

Autism is a mental health disorder that affects both children and adults. It causes people to behave in certain ways that are considered “abnormal” and make interaction with others very difficult.While there is no cure for autism, there are treatments that have been shown to help people, including children, improve their social interactions.The following are five of the best-known therapies...[ read more ]

Teaching Kids Mindfulness: The Benefits and Easiest Ways to Do It!

“Pay attention!”It’s a phrase that is uttered dozens of times a week (if not more) in households where children between the ages of two and 18 reside. How is it that when they WANT to, oh say when they are playing video games or watching cartoons, kids can have a tremendous attention span. But at any other time, getting them...[ read more ]